Monday, November 12, 2007

"The only other guilds I know are the Lollipop Guild and World of Warcraft Guild"

I'm not too savvy about business, politics, or money. So I don't understand the writers guild strike too well, but for some reason I'm compelled by it so I had to go do a little research. The problem I've come across is there's a whole lot in support of the WGA and very little that clearly explains the side of the studios and producers. And of course many details can't be made available to the general public so we only get so much. But I thought I'd share some interesting things I've come across. Also I can't for the life of me write "strike" instead of "strick." Geez.

Why the Striking Writers are Right
An Entertainment Weekly article with a good review of the details and their stance. The current issue also has a good article explaining the studios' options without writers (write themselves, more reality tv, etc.).

United Hollywood
An unofficial striker's central with videos like Why We Strike explaining their case and other info for supporters.

Scenes From the Writer's Strike
From Slate, a few days in the life of an almost-made-it Hollywood writer.

Here In Idaho
A little dissent here, we have a blogger's entertaining rant against the strike and the responses that ensue.

Ask A Ninja gives advice to Strikers
From which the title of this post was stolen. He also suggests replacing strikers with vikings.

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers includes a FAQ that doesn't address any helpful questions about the strike, they just tell you how easy it is to work during the strike and resign from the WGA. It also links to articles such as the one that I would have mistaken for an Onion article where Michael Eisner's stance is to simply call the strike "stupid" and suggest that strikers go to Steve Jobs' office instead because Apple is the only one making money from digital distribution. One of the difficulties I have with their arguments is they want three years to study the internet, but technology and the internet change so fast that in three years they'll need a new three year study.

How Long Before Your Shows Go Dark?
TV Guide runs down what the networks have stockpiled.

And finally, the writers of The Office, many of whom are also actors on the show, on the picket line.

The whole promotion thing is in reference to the studios' claims that online content is merely promotional material for television airings.

So there you have it. I feel so educated now. Too bad I should have been spending this time reading research journals and treatment manuals.

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